I've always had a keen interest in political matters, but during this last election I confess I became a certified political junkie. I follow events religiously and post stories and commentaries endlessly to the occasional dismay of my family and friends. I suppose I've embraced the 1st Amendment with a passion. One thing that is obvious even to the casual observer (that is if you possess any objectivity at all) is that there is a double standard when it comes to rules, regulations, reporting etc. And it happens on both sides of the aisle by politicians, political pundits and every day citizens alike. I think the reasons are varied, but for me I think it is because political correctness has spread like a cancer and there are no absolutes anymore. Nothing is right or wrong, only a matter of opinion at the moment. It has become an "us versus them" war for control. Sadly it is "we the people" - ALL of us who lose when there are no absolutes. When we speak of fairness, diversity, freedom but only if it goes our way, then we are at best misguided and at worst horribly hypocritical. There is a general lack of respect of our leaders and of each other when we behave like a bunch of spoiled children wanting "our way." A nation cannot survive, neither can a world survive without laws, without respect without structure. What are your thoughts? Do the double standards drive you as crazy as they do me?