Thursday, I had to pick up my Mom to take her for scheduled eye surgery at the hospital. It was during rush hour traffic and when I got to the exit of my neighborhood, I wondered if I would ever get out on the highway to even get to her. As the traffic flowed past me, a car slowed down and motioned me out in front of them. Insignificant? Maybe, but it set the tone for my whole day. It is the small things that people do every day that restores our faith in humanity and reminds us of the goodness in others as well as draws out our own goodness!
News networks and social media magnify the negative even if the bigger story is something positive and uplifting. Why? Because people thrive on drama and the sensational. Still, just think how many stories silently unfold each day and are left unnoticed even if they make a huge impact in the day or life of another or even the world. In spite of all that, I am convinced that people are longing for goodness again and for a reason to hope through all the turmoil and chaos in the world. I think there is way more goodness in the world and in others than we know. We can never underestimate the power of a good word or deed no matter how small. We could be the reason a person believes again, has hope again and courage to keep going again. I want to be that reason. How about you? Do you have a story of an act of kindness or goodness to share?